Listing 8 shows a CALL statement issued from the CLP to the procedure find_customers defined earlier, and the output generated by the CLP. 清单8显示了从CLP向前面定义的过程findcustomers发出的CALL语句以及CLP生成的输出。
While this article does not discuss application development topics in detail, it includes a simple Java example that uses a parameter marker within an SQL/ XML statement to restrict output to information about customers who live in a given zip code. 虽然本文不详细讨论应用开发话题,但还是提供了一个简单的Java例子,这个例子在一条SQL/XML语句中使用一个参数标记位将输出限制为居住在给定地区的客户的信息。
But, in a statement, Schneiderman said he had urged those retailers, as well as all herbal supplements manufacturers, to join GNC in working with my office to increase transparency and safeguard the wellness of their customers. 但是,在一份声明中,施耐德曼说,他曾敦促零售商以及所有草本保健品生产商像GNC一样和我的办公室合作,增加透明度,保障顾客的健康。
In a statement, Huawei said it was pleased to be playing its part in providing reassurance to its UK customers of the quality of our products and solutions. 华为在一份声明中表示,该公司很高兴能够发挥自己的作用,就本公司产品和解决方案的质量向英国客户提供保证。
For material changes to this statement, HP will provide notification to affected customers. 对于此声明的重要更改,hp会通知受影响的客户。
COMAC said in a separate statement that it had started assembling the first ARJ21 for delivery to customers and that it was now in the process of installing aviation systems on the aircraft. 中国商飞在另一份声明中表示,已开始组装首架用于交付客户的arj21,目前正在为飞机安装航空系统。
In a statement, Mr Thompson said that the job losses were part of what was needed to make Yahoo "smaller, nimbler, more profitable and better equipped to innovate as fast as our customers and our industry require". 汤普森在一份声明中说,此次裁员是“为雅虎瘦身,使其更加敏捷,增强其盈利能力,提高其快速创新能力以适应客户及行业需求”,所必需采取的举措之一。
This will send a powerful statement of resolve to investors, executive boards, customers, employees and the public. 这将是提交给投资者、董事会、消费者、员工和公众的一份有力的决心书。
In a statement, Baidu said it had started an internal investigation into the problem, pledged to co-operate with regulators and expressed a sincere apology for hurting the feelings of users and other customers. 百度在一份声明中表示,该公司已就此问题展开内部调查,并承诺会配合监管部门的行动。百度还对用户和其它客户的感情造成的伤害表示真诚的歉意。
The value proposition is a special statement that a firm claiming its product or services can attribute to its customers, and it's total gain that customers can perceive from their interation with value providers. 价值主张(valueproposition)是企业宣称其产品和服务能为消费者带来的独特价值,是客户所能感知到的一系列既得利益的总和。